Subject Verb Agreement Make or Makes

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Subject-verb agreement is one of the most fundamental grammatical rules that every writer and speaker should be familiar with. It refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence, which means that the verb must agree with the number and person of the subject. However, there is a common mistake that occurs, and that is the confusion between ‘make’ and ‘makes’ in sentences. In this article, we will explore this aspect of subject-verb agreement in detail and explain how to use them correctly.

When to use ‘make’

The word ‘make’ is generally used as a verb that signifies an action of creating, producing, or performing something. It is often used with plural subjects, such as ‘they,’ ‘we,’ ‘you,’ and ‘the children.’ For example,

– They make delicious cakes.

– We make sure to arrive early.

– The children make a mess when they play.

In these examples, the subject is plural, and the verb ‘make’ agrees with the number of the subject.

When to use ‘makes’

On the other hand, ‘makes’ is a form of the verb ‘make’ that is used with singular subjects, such as ‘he,’ ‘she,’ ‘it,’ and ‘this.’ For example,

– She makes the best coffee in town.

– He makes a lot of money from his business.

– This color makes your eyes look brighter.

In these examples, the subject is singular, and the verb ‘makes’ agrees with the number of the subject.

Common mistakes to avoid

One of the common mistakes that people make is using ‘make’ with singular subjects and ‘makes’ with plural subjects. For instance,

– The team make a great effort to win the game. (incorrect)

– The team makes a great effort to win the game. (correct)

– Mary and Alice makes a great team. (incorrect)

– Mary and Alice make a great team. (correct)

Another mistake is using the wrong form of the verb in sentences that contain compound subjects. Compound subjects are those that consist of two or more nouns or pronouns that act as one subject. For example,

– She and her friend makes the perfect team. (incorrect)

– She and her friend make the perfect team. (correct)


In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential grammatical rule that every writer and speaker should follow. When using ‘make’ and ‘makes,’ it is crucial to pay attention to the number and person of the subject to ensure the correct form of the verb. Mistakes in subject-verb agreement may result in confusion, and it could affect the meaning and clarity of the sentence. Therefore, it is always a good idea to review and proofread your work carefully to avoid such errors.

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