How to Change Custody Agreement in Oregon

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If you are looking to change your custody agreement in Oregon, there are specific steps you need to follow to ensure the process goes smoothly. It can be a complicated process, but with the right guidance, you can successfully modify your custody agreement.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to change your custody agreement in Oregon:

1. Consider the circumstances: To modify your custody agreement, you must show that there has been a significant change in circumstances since the original custody agreement was created. These changes could include a change in your job, a move to a new city or state, a change in your child`s needs, etc.

2. Mediation: Before taking legal action, mediation is often required to attempt to reach a new agreement. Mediation can be helpful if both parties are willing to compromise and work together to reach a new agreement.

3. File a petition: If mediation is not successful, you can file a petition with the court to modify your custody agreement. You will need to provide specific details about why you are requesting a modification and how it will benefit your child.

4. Attend a hearing: Once you file a petition, you will need to attend a hearing. At the hearing, a judge will review your case and determine if there is sufficient cause to modify your custody agreement.

5. Provide evidence: It is essential to provide evidence that supports your request for a custody modification. Such evidence could include school records, medical records, or witness statements.

6. Consider hiring an attorney: Custody disputes can be complicated, and it may be helpful to hire an attorney to assist you in the process. The right attorney can help you navigate the legal system and provide guidance on how to best approach your case.

Changing your custody agreement can be a daunting process, but with the right guidance, you can successfully modify your agreement to better serve your child`s needs. Following these steps can help ensure that this process goes smoothly and effectively.

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