Blue Care/Wesley Mission Brisbane Nursing Employees Enterprise Agreement 2013

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Blue Care/Wesley Mission Brisbane Nursing Employees Enterprise Agreement 2013: Understanding Your Rights

If you are employed by Blue Care or Wesley Mission Brisbane as a nursing employee, it is crucial to be aware of your rights under the Blue Care/Wesley Mission Brisbane Nursing Employees Enterprise Agreement 2013. This agreement sets out the terms and conditions of your employment, including pay rates, hours of work, leave entitlements, and other important provisions.

Pay Rates

Under the agreement, your pay rate will be determined by your classification, which is based on your qualifications and experience. There are four classifications for nursing employees:

– Enrolled Nurse

– Registered Nurse Level 1

– Registered Nurse Level 2

– Clinical Nurse

The agreement specifies the minimum pay rates for each classification, which are reviewed annually. You may be eligible for additional pay if you work in a specialist area, such as mental health or aged care.

Hours of Work

Your hours of work will be specified in your employment contract, and may vary depending on your classification and workplace. The agreement provides for a maximum of 10 hours per shift, and requires employers to provide adequate breaks and rest periods. Nursing employees are entitled to overtime pay if they work more than their ordinary hours of work.

Leave Entitlements

Nursing employees are entitled to various types of leave under the agreement, including:

– Annual leave: Four weeks per year, plus an additional week for shift workers.

– Personal/carer`s leave: Ten days per year, which can be taken as sick leave or carer`s leave.

– Parental leave: Up to 12 months of unpaid leave for the birth or adoption of a child.

– Long service leave: Entitlements vary depending on your length of service.

Other Provisions

The agreement also covers various other provisions, including:

– Uniforms and equipment: Employers must provide appropriate uniforms and equipment to nursing employees.

– Training and development: Employers must provide opportunities for professional development and training.

– Workplace health and safety: Employers must ensure a safe and healthy workplace for nursing employees.

– Grievance procedures: If you have a dispute or grievance, there are procedures in place to resolve it.


As a nursing employee of Blue Care or Wesley Mission Brisbane, it is essential to understand your rights and entitlements under the Blue Care/Wesley Mission Brisbane Nursing Employees Enterprise Agreement 2013. The agreement sets out the terms and conditions of your employment, including pay rates, hours of work, leave entitlements, and other important provisions. If you have any questions or concerns about your employment, you should consult the agreement and speak to your employer or union representative.

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